Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Motivation Maker

            Since deciding that I wanted to change mommy-hood for myself, I have hit many bumps in the road. Taking on more and more responsibility is tough, especially when there isn't anyone to keep you accountable to the changes in your routine. My husband could check in with me, but I didn't want to put him in the position of starting an argument without trying.  I know very well that it would only take him simply checking on what I got done during the day for me to get defensive and feel attacked (especially if I had an "off" day and accomplished very little).

            I needed something to really get me going... to really ignite my desire to change. I had to look no further than my reason for staying home in the first place, my daughter. At 8 months she is crawling, pulling herself up, and lightening fast in her walker. The fact that she is mobile means one thing... she is into everything! This new found freedom of hers is the ultimate motivation to pickup, clean, and organize anything and everything I can before her little hands get a hold of it all. I love my baby girl so much and of course want to keep her safe. I am also a major germaphobe and can't stand the thought of her putting something nasty in her mouth (since that is where everything she touches ends up).

            I am the biggest procrastinator of them all, but I love it when things are clean. When my house is a mess it makes me feel claustrophobic and out of control. I would love for it to be clean all of the time, but struggle with beginning the process of making it happen. Until now. Today I got a roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock pot for dinner, there is a loaf of homemade bread in the oven, and I got a good bit of cleaning done as well. Miraculously, I still had time in there to take care of my daughter and spend time playing with her. Today is a good day. I am going to try to hold onto this successful feeling as long as I can and hope that it will also serve as a motivation maker in the morning when it is time to get up and start all over again. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Reinventing the Mommy

            It is time for a change. I have been staying home with my daughter since she was born in December and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. That being said, I feel that I have been lazy and unmotivated. I haven't been taking my "job" seriously. No, not the part of caring for my daughter. That has always been of the utmost importance for me. The job I am referring to is really being a manager of my home. My husband works to provide for our family. It has taken me some time to realize that I should be offering nothing less. I am not referring to going out and getting a job, but taking on the task of managing my home seriously.

            My goal in writing about my experience and transformation is to keep myself accountable to what I have started. I would love any comments and encouragement of anyone who stumbles upon this blog!